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2 Views · 6 months ago

Experience Christopher Nolan’s Opening Look at his new film, Oppenheimer. The exclusive five-minute Opening Look, edited by the film’s editor Jennifer Lame, reveals new scenes, images and sounds from the IMAX®-shot epic thriller and features the film’s breathtaking score by Academy Award® winner Ludwig Göransson. Oppenheimer, from Universal Pictures, arrives in cinemas July 21, 2023.

Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it.

The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as his wife, biologist and botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. Oscar® winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr., director of the Manhattan Project, and Robert Downey, Jr. plays Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Academy Award® nominee Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie plays theoretical physicist Edward Teller, Michael Angarano plays Robert Serber and Josh Hartnett plays pioneering American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer also stars Oscar® winner Rami Malek and reunites Nolan with eight-time Oscar® nominated actor, writer and filmmaker Kenneth Branagh.

The cast includes Dane DeHaan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets), Dylan Arnold (Halloween franchise), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) and Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer is filmed in a combination of IMAX® 65mm and 65mm large-format film photography including, for the first time ever, sections in IMAX® black and white analogue photography.

Nolan’s films, including Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, have earned more than $5 billion at the global box office and have been awarded 11 Oscars and 36 nominations, including two Best Picture nominations.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

In this scene, Kitty Oppenheimer (Academy Award-nominee Emily Blunt) stands up to the withering questioning of Roger Robb (Jason Clarke), who is investigating the political leanings of her husband.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

Wie Nolan die wahre Geschichte von Oppenheimer erzählt

Christopher Nolan ist bekannt dafür, alles so präzise und echt wie möglich erzählen zu wollen. In "Tenet" jagte er einen echten Flieger in eine Halle. In "Inception" ließ er einen echten Zug über die Straße fahren und und und... bei seinem Biopic zum Vater der Atombombe "Oppenheimer" soll natürlich auch alles so authentisch wie möglich sein. Dafür geht Nolan nicht nur sehr genau in die Figuren rund um Oppenheimer, sondern setzt auch hinter den Kulissen auf Authentizität. Wir schauen gemeinsam in das Behind the Scenes von "Oppenheimer" und auf die Geschichte hinter der Figur Robert Oppenheimer.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

Könnte eine Atombombe die Atmosphäre entzünden? General Leslie Groves fragt Robert J. #Oppenheimer vor dem Trinity-Test, wie die Chancen stehen – "Nahe Null" ist die Antwort. Das würde doch bedeuten: Bei jeder Zündung besteht tatsächlich ein Risiko, die ganze Welt zu verbrennen. Wie realistisch ist Christopher Nolans #Oscar-prämierter Film "Oppenheimer" also wirklich?

00:00 Intro
1:41 Kann eine Kettenreatkion die Atmosphäre entzünden?
6:35 Was, wenn es wirklich zu Fusionsprozessen in der Atmosphäre käme?
9:02 Was bedeutet der Safety-Faktor?

Noch mehr zum Thema:
Oppenheimer: Die vergessene Figur :
Illusionen des Atomzeitalters – Strahlende Zukunftsträume
Was die Welt am Laufen hält: Energie

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Das Paper von Konopinski, Marvin und Teller:
Maveric K. I. L. Abella, Monica Rouco Molina, Ivana Nikolić-Hughes, Emlyn W. Hughes, and Malvin A. Ruderman: Background gamma radiation and soil activity measurements in the northern Marshall Islands

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Moderation: Harald Lesch
Autor:in: Jana Steuer
Redaktion: Victor Riley, Jana Steuer
Produktion: Florian Rehm, Andrea Böhmer
Producer:in (objektiv media): Anne Westphal
Kamera: Thorsten Eiffler
Ton: Noah Amshoff
Schnitt: Dennis Burneleit
Thumbnail: Jan Schattka, Liv Brell
Grafiken: Dennis Burneleit / Kurzgesagt
Musik von Extreme Music & YouTube Audio Library

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF, in Zusammenarbeit mit objektiv media.

3 Views · 6 months ago

J. Robert Oppenheimer forever changed the course of history. He may be the most important physicist to have ever lived. Part of this video is sponsored by Wren. Offset your carbon footprint on Wren: ​ For the first 100 people who sign up, I will personally pay for the first month of your subscription!

If you want to learn more about Oppenheimer, I strongly recommend the book “American Prometheus” By Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin. It was the inspiration for Christopher Nolan's 2023 film "Oppenheimer", which won multiple awards, including Oscars in 2024 for Best Picture and Best Actor (Cillian Murphy).

If you’re looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms – a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically –

A huge thank you to Dr. Martin Rohde and Dr. Antonia Denkova from the TU Delft for proofreading the script and providing valuable feedback.


Bird, K., & Sherwin, M. J. (2021). American Prometheus: the triumph and tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Atlantic Books.

Smith, A. K., & Weiner, C. (1980). Robert Oppenheimer: letters and recollections. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 36(5), 19-27. -

Combes, J. M., Duclos, P., & Seiler, R. (1981). The born-oppenheimer approximation. Rigorous atomic and molecular physics, 185-213. -

Rhodes, R. (2012). The making of the atomic bomb. Simon and Schuster.

Oppenheimer, J. R., & Volkoff, G. M. (1939). On massive neutron cores. Physical Review, 55(4), 374. -

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1927). Bemerkung zur Zerstreuung der α-Teilchen. Zeitschrift für Physik, 43(5-6), 413-415. -

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1927). Zur quantenmechanik der richtungsentartung. Zeitschrift für Physik, 43(1-2), 27-46. -

Born, M., & Oppenheimer, R. (1927). Zur Quantentheorie der Molekeln Annalen der Physik, v. 84. -

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1928). Three notes on the quantum theory of aperiodic effects. Physical review, 31(1), 66.

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1928). On the quantum theory of the capture of electrons. Physical review, 31(3), 349.

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1931). Note on light quanta and the electromagnetic field. Physical Review, 38(4), 725.

Furry, W. H., & Oppenheimer, J. R. (1934). On the theory of the electron and positive. Physical Review, 45(4), 245. -

Oppenheimer, J. R. (1935). Note on charge and field fluctuations. Physical Review, 47(2), 144. -

Oppenheimer, J. R., & Snyder, H. (1939). On continued gravitational contraction. Physical Review, 56(5), 455. -

Oppenheimer, J. R., & Phillips, M. (1935). Note on the transmutation function for deuterons. Physical Review, 48(6), 500. -

Malik, J. (1985). Yields of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosions (No. LA-8819). Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States). -

Ignition of the atmosphere with nuclear bombs --

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Directed by Petr Lebedev
Written by Petr Lebedev & Derek Muller
Produced by Petr Lebedev, Han Evans and Derek Muller
Edited by Trenton Oliver & Katrina Jackson
Filmed by Derek Muller
Animation by Fabio Albertelli, Ivy Tello, & Mike Radjabov
Illustration by Jakub Misiek and Celia Bode
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images & Pond5
Music from Epidemic Sound

2 Views · 6 months ago

Duymayan kaldı mı bilmiyorum?
Yaz ortasında, yazdan da sıcak bir heyecan dalgası yarattı... Bir film.
Yıllardır uzak kaldığımız sinema salonlarını tıklım tıklım doldurdu.
İnternetteki “hype balonu” öyle bir şişti ki artık bu filmi izlemeyeni, izleyip de beğenmeyeni, beğenip de anlatmayanı... dışlıyorlar.
Geçen yüzyılın en ikonik figürlerinden biri hakkında bu film. Ben karakter hakkında öyle çok fazla bir ön bilgi sahibi olmadan, elimi kolumu sallayarak sinemaya gittim, filmi izledim, hatta izledikten sonra bir de hatıra fotoğrafı çektirdim 🙂
Yaa, tabiki Barbenheimer yaptım! Evet, fotoğrafı çeken pembe kıyafetli kızlara bir de buradan teşekkür ettikten sonra izlediğim diğer film hakkındaki düşüncelerime geçeyim.
Öyle spoiler kaygısı taşınacak bir film değil zaten. Atom bombasının babası olarak tarihe geçen Amerikan teorik fizikçi Robert Oppenheimer hakkında biyografik bir film. Bu kitaptan uyarlanmış: American Prometheus, J. Robert Oppenheimer’ın Zaferi ve Trajedisi. Daha kitabın adından başlayabilirsiniz çıkarım yapmaya. Yunan mitolojisindekiler kadar efsanevi bir karakterin, Şekspiryen bir yorumu. Güneşe yakın uçmak, zafer, sonra kanatların erimesi, trajedi. Ama bu ne mitoloji, ne de tiyatro. Tüm dünyanın kaderini değiştiren kilit figürlerden birinin karmakarışık zihni. Zaten o yüzden hakkında ne yapılsa etkili oluyor. Bu kitap Pulitzer ödüllü. Bence konuya ilişkin bundan da güzel başka bir kitap: Richard Rhodes’un yazdığı “The Making of the Atomic Bomb.” O da Pulitzer ödüllü. Ve şimdi bu konuda yapılmış en iyi sinema filmi olma iddiasındaki: Oppenheimer. Muhtemelen o da pek çok ödülü alacak. İşin ironik tarafı tüm bu ödüllü eserlere konu olan karakterin kendi alanındaki en büyük ödül olan Nobel’i alamamış olması. Bir başka deyişle kendisi kaybederken, onu anlatanlara çok şey kazandırıyor.
Herhalde o yüzden olsa gerek sosyal medyada herkes onu anlatıyor. Ben de anlatacağım. Anlatacağım da önce anlamam lazım. Ama itiraf edeyim henüz tam olarak bu karakteri anladığımı söyleyemem. Çünkü bu filmin haberini aldığım geçen yıldan beri kendisi hakkında okumalar, izlemeler yapmaya çalışıyorum. Ne kadar çok şey öğrenirsem o kadar içinde kayboluyorum. Adamın hayatı kuantum dünyası kadar kompleks, girift ve bir o kadar da belirsizliklerle dolu. Öyle hemen iyi ya da kötü deyip geçemiyorsunuz. Ve aynı şeyi bu film için de söyleyebiliriz 🙂
Onu beğenmek için elimizde tüm sebepler var. Benim en iyilerim arasında olmasa da iyi bir yönetmen olarak kabul edilen Christopher Nolan tarafından çekilmiş. Interstellar ve Inception’dan dolayı bir miktar saygımız var. Oyuncular desen hepsi de çok başarılı. Zaten filmde neredeyse figüranlar bile Oscar ödüllü. Mandalorian’dan tanıdığımız ve yeni Hans Zimmer’imiz olarak benimsediğimiz Ludwig Göransson müzikleri yapmış ama bu sefer olmamış. Sinematografi desen o koca koca kameralara, kalın kalın film şeritlerini yükleyip olabilecek en yüksek kalitede çekmişler. Daha ne olsun!
İşte o yüzden daha aylar öncesinden eşime, dostuma dedim ki, bu yaz doğum günümde sizden hediye olarak sadece bu filme bir bilet istiyorum. Ve filmi nerede seyrettim biliyor musunuz? IMAX’te. Hem de öyle sıradan bir IMAX de değil. Avustralya ve Çekya’da 1, İngiltere’de 3, Kanada’da 6, ABD’de 19 yani dünyada sadece 30 sinemada gösterilen en yüksek çözünürlüklü kopya. Oyuncuların yüzündeki gözenekleri bile görüyorsunuz. Peki niye bu kadar az yerde gösteriliyor? Çünkü 272 kg’lık film 17 km uzunlukta. Ancak 30 tane üretip dağıtabilmişler.
Yönetmenler kendi vizyonlarını en iyi yansıtabilecek teknikleri kullanmak için böyle abartılı şeyleri hep yapıyorlardı. Hitchcock kendi filminin gösterildiği sinemaları bizzat kendisi gidip denetler ve geç kalanları içeriye aldırmazdı. Kubrick mum ışığında görüntü yakalayabilmek için NASA'nın Apollo Ay görevlerinde kullanılan özel bir lensle o dönemin en düşük diyaframıyla f 0.7 ile film çekmişti. Nolan da olası en yüksek izleme deneyimini yaratabilmek için IMAX 70 mm ortamını seçmiş. Peki öyle izleyemeyenler bir şey kaybediyor mu? Başka filmler için kesinlikle evet, ama bu film için bence hayır. Nerede izlediğinizin pek bir önemi yok.
Çünkü çoğunlukla kapalı odalarda sürekli konuşan kafalardan ibaret. Oppenheimer’ı canlandıran aktör Cillian Murphy’nin performansı müthiş. Bazı sahnelerde iç dünyasının yüzüne yansımasını o kadar güçlü bir şekilde ifade ediyor ki, gerçekten kendinizi kaptırıyorsunuz. Ama o ifadeleri yakalayabilmek için adamın yüzünü illa 18K çözünürlükte görmeye gerek yok. 8K yeterli. 4K bile olur. Yani bu filme sadece teknik başarısından ötürü gitmeyi düşünüyorsanız, beklentilerinizi karşılamaz.
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0 Views · 6 months ago

🎬 In this FilmSpeak video essay we discuss why Oppenheimer is a masterpiece and why Oppenheimer is one of the best films of the 21st century. Christopher Nolan is the best director of all time.

Welcome to our in-depth analysis of Christopher Nolan's cinematic masterpiece, "Oppenheimer"! 🎬 In this video, we delve into why "Oppenheimer" stands out as one of the greatest films of the 21st century and possibly Christopher Nolan's magnum opus or Christopher Nolan's best movie

🌟 With its captivating storytelling, stunning visuals, and thought-provoking themes, "Oppenheimer" has left an indelible mark on the world of cinema interrogating humanity's past, present, and future. Join us as we explore the intricate layers of this cinematic gem and uncover the reasons behind its widespread acclaim.

🎥 Christopher Nolan, known for his exceptional storytelling prowess, takes us on an unforgettable journey through the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the brilliant physicist behind the creation of the atomic bomb. As we dissect the film's narrative structure and character development, we'll uncover why many consider "Oppenheimer" to be Nolan's finest work to date.

🧪 But the brilliance of "Oppenheimer" doesn't stop at its recounting of historical figures and events. We'll also unravel the symbolic significance of fission and fusion within the context of the film. As Oppenheimer's scientific endeavors and Robert Downey Jr. Lewis Stauss mirror the internal conflicts and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, fission and fusion take on profound thematic undertones, enriching the viewing experience.

🔬 Our video breaks down the scientific concepts, making them accessible to both science enthusiasts and movie lovers alike. We'll connect the dots between Oppenheimer's groundbreaking research and the film's exploration of human nature, power, and the consequences of innovation.

🤯 Get ready to embark on a cinematic journey like no other with this Oppenheimer video essay as we celebrate "Oppenheimer" for its artistic brilliance, narrative depth, and its ability to spark meaningful conversations about history, ethics, and the human condition. Griffin (@griffschiller) gives you his Oppenheimer review and Oppenheimer analysis explaining why Oppenheimer is a masterpiece, why Oppenheimer is perfect, why Oppenheimer is the most important movie of the 21st Century, why Oppenheimer is one of the best movies of all time, and how Oppenheimer saved cinema. Enjoy this Oppenheimer explained video and Oppenheimer fission and fusion explained video.

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Edited by @ZachDoumit
🎞 Chapters 🎞

🎞 About Oppenheimer 🎞

During World War II, Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves Jr. appoints physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer and a team of scientists spend years developing and designing the atomic bomb. Their work comes to fruition on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world's first nuclear explosion, forever changing the course of history. Oppenheimer is written and directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, Casey Affleck, Rami Malek, and Kenneth Branagh.
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2 Views · 6 months ago

Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer (2023) full movie scene by scene breakdown and details you missed from Erik Voss! Thank you Helix for sponsoring! Visit to get 20% off your Helix mattress, plus two free pillows. Offers subject to change. #helixsleep

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OPPENHEIMER tells the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s work with the Manhattan Project and his rivalry with Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.). Erik Voss breaks down Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer for the interesting filmmaking choices and details you might have missed!
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Written by: Erik Voss
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0 Views · 6 months ago

Oppenheimer ist ein Biopic von Christopher Nolan mit Cillian Murphy und Emily Blunt.

In Christopher Nolans biografischem Historiendrama Oppenheimer entwickelt Cillian Murphy als amerikanischer Wissenschaftler die erste Atombombe – mit folgenreichem Ergebnis.J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) ist ein theoretischer Physiker und genau wie seine Ehefrau, die Biologin Kitty (Emily Blunt), ein Wissenschaftler mit Leib und Seele. Im Zuge des Manhattan Project entwickelt er als Direktor des Los Alamos Laboratory eine nie dagewesen gefährliche Waffe: die Atombombe.

Männer wie General Leslie Groves J. (Matt Damon) und Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.) von der US-amerikanischen Atom-Energie-Kommission schauen ihm dabei über die Schulter. Doch riskiert Oppenheimer mit seiner Erfindung die Zerstörung der Erde oder liefert er sein Werk umgekehrt ab, um die Welt vor sich selbst zu retten?
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0 Views · 6 months ago

Watch the full video to get interesting facts, Ott & Satellite Details, Preproduction-Postproduction & Filming Details, Budget & worldwide lifetime Box-office collection details, Deep story analysis & explanation with detailed review of the 2023 epic biographical thriller film Oppenheimer (film).

written and directed by Christopher Nolan

Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist and director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Emily Blunt as Katherine "Kitty" Oppenheimer, Robert Oppenheimer's wife and a former Communist Party USA member.
Matt Damon as Gen. Leslie Groves, a USACE officer and director of the Manhattan Project.
Robert Downey Jr. as Lewis Strauss, a high-ranking member of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock, a psychiatrist, Communist Party USA member, and Robert Oppenheimer's romantic interest.
Josh Hartnett as Ernest Lawrence, a Nobel-winning nuclear physicist who worked with Oppenheimer at the University of California, Berkeley.
Casey Affleck as Boris Pash, a U.S. Army military intelligence officer and commander of the Alsos Mission.
Rami Malek as David L. Hill, a nuclear physicist at the Met Lab, who helped to create the Chicago Pile.
Kenneth Branagh as Niels Bohr, a Nobel-winning physicist, philosopher and Oppenheimer's personal idol.
Benny Safdie as Edward Teller, a Hungarian theoretical physicist known for being the "father of the hydrogen bomb".
Jason Clarke as Roger Robb, an attorney and future U.S. circuit judge who served as special counsel to the AEC at Oppenheimer's security hearing.
Dylan Arnold as Frank Oppenheimer, Robert's younger brother and a particle physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project.
Tom Conti as Albert Einstein, Nobel-winning German theoretical physicist known for developing the theory of relativity.
James D'Arcy as Patrick Blackett, Oppenheimer's college professor and Nobel-winning physicist at Cambridge University.
David Dastmalchian as William L. Borden, a lawyer and executive director of the JCAE.
Dane DeHaan as Maj Gen. Kenneth Nichols, a U.S. Army officer and the deputy district engineer of the Manhattan Project.
Alden Ehrenreich as a Senate aide to Lewis Strauss, a fictional character who is an aide during Strauss's nomination for United States Secretary of Commerce.
Tony Goldwyn as Gordon Gray, a government official and chairman of the committee deciding the revoking of Oppenheimer security clearance.
Jefferson Hall as Haakon Chevalier, a Berkeley professor who became friends with Oppenheimer at university.
David Krumholtz as Isidor Isaac Rabi
Matthew Modine as Vannevar Bush
Scott Grimes as Counsel to Lewis Strauss
Kurt Koehler as Thomas A. Morgan
John Gowans as Ward V. Evans
Macon Blair as Lloyd K. Garrison
Harry Groener as Sen. Gale W. McGee
Gregory Jbara as Sen. Warren Magnuson
Tim DeKay as Sen. John Pastore
Matthias Schweighöfer as Werner Heisenberg
Alex Wolff as Luis Walter Alvarez
Josh Zuckerman as Giovanni Rossi Lomanitz
Rory Keane as Hartland Snyder, a physicist
Michael Angarano as Robert Serber
Emma Dumont as Jackie Oppenheimer
Guy Burnet as George Eltenton
Louise Lombard as Ruth Tolman
Tom Jenkins as Richard C. Tolman
Olli Haaskivi as Edward Condon
David Rysdahl as Donald Hornig
Josh Peck as Kenneth Bainbridge
Jack Quaid as Richard Feynman
Gustaf Skarsgård as Hans Bethe
James Urbaniak as Kurt Gödel
Trond Fausa as George Kistiakowsky
Devon Bostick as Seth Neddermeyer
Danny Deferrari as Enrico Fermi
Christopher Denham as Klaus Fuchs
Jessica Erin Martin as Charlotte Serber
Ronald Auguste as J. Ernest Wilkins Jr.
Máté Haumann as Leo Szilard
Olivia Thirlby as Lilli Hornig
Jack Cutmore-Scott as Security Officer Lyall Johnson
Harrison Gilbertson as Philip Morrison
James Remar as Henry L. Stimson
Will Roberts as George C. Marshall
Pat Skipper as Secretary of State James F. Byrnes
Gary Oldman as Harry S. Truman
Hap Lawrence as Lyndon B. Johnson
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0 Views · 6 months ago

Disclaimer for the people saying this is not in IMAX, I'm referring to the clips being shot with an IMAX camera. All other footage from the movie that was not shot in IMAX isn't present in the video.

Firstly, I'd like to thank you guys for 500 subscribers, this is a milestone I won't soon forget. (: Passing a quarter million views on Interstellar, on top of all of your inspiring comments have motivated me to push out my best project yet.

It's finally here after a month! I apologize for the longer wait than usual, lots of work at my day job on top of the holidays haven't given me much time to work on the project. I hope it was worth the wait!

Oppenheimer is one of my favorite movies of all time, as I was already well educated on Oppenheimer before the movie came out. Christopher Nolan did a great job portraying the guilt he faced, and I tried to match that here.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

OPPENHEIMER (2023) Ending Explained, The Real Life Story & Movie Spoiler Review. We review, recap and explain Oppenheimer and go over the historical figures real life story. This includes major spoilers for the movie and a chronological timeline of how things happened.

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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down Oppenheimer.


The new Christopher Nolan biopic explores the history behind the creation of the atomic bomb and a figure who's arguably one of the most important people to ever walk the earth.

Throughout this video we're gonna be discussing the real life story behind the figure, what happens at the end of the movie and also the aftermath of it. Heavy Spoilers ahead so if you're wanting to go into the film without having anything ruined then I highly recommend that you turn off now. Please hit the thumbs up button and make sure you subscribe to the channel if you wanna see more videos like this.

With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let's get into Oppenheimer.


So Julius Robert Oppenheimer was born on April 22nd in 1904.

Credited as being the father of the atomic bomb Oppenheimer is seen as a man who ended wars but in turn gave us the power to destroy ourselves completely.

Often we get quotes attributed to a man and Oppenheimer arguably has one of the most famous of all time.

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1 Views · 6 months ago

In this scene, J. Robert Oppenheimer (Academy Award-nominee Cillian Murphy) discusses the theories behind the impending nuclear test to Gen. Leslie Groves (Matt Damon).

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Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it.

The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as his wife, biologist and botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. Oscar® winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr., director of the Manhattan Project, and Robert Downey, Jr. plays Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Academy Award® nominee Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie plays theoretical physicist Edward Teller, Michael Angarano plays Robert Serber and Josh Hartnett plays pioneering American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer also stars Oscar® winner Rami Malek and reunites Nolan with eight-time Oscar® nominated actor, writer and filmmaker Kenneth Branagh.

The cast includes Dane DeHaan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets), Dylan Arnold (Halloween franchise), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) and Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer is filmed in a combination of IMAX® 65mm and 65mm large-format film photography including, for the first time ever, sections in IMAX® black and white analogue photography.

Nolan’s films, including Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, have earned more than $5 billion at the global box office and have been awarded 11 Oscars and 36 nominations, including two Best Picture nominations.

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1 Views · 6 months ago

In this scene, Lewis Strauss (Academy Award-nominee Robert Downey Jr.), head of the Atomic Energy Commission, is pulled into an emergency meeting when it's learned that radiation – sign of a nuclear test by the Soviet Union – has been detected over the North Pacific.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

Alur Cerita Film Oppenheimer (2023)

Yo gaes selamat datang di channel Cinema 22 tempat alur cerita film, di video kali ini kita bakalan membahas alur cerita film terbaru yang berdasarkan dari kisah nyata berjudul Openheimer (2023). Bercerita tentang perjuangan seorang fisikawan bernama J Robert Oppenheimer yang ditugaskan untuk membuat bom atom pertama di dunia, bagaimana keseruannya?

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5 Views · 6 months ago

Dal 20 luglio 2023 #SoloAlCinema

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Scritto e diretto da: Christopher Nolan
Prodotto da: Emma Thomas, Charles Roven e Christopher Nolan

Scritto e diretto da Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer è un thriller storico girato in IMAX® che porta il pubblico nell’avvincente storia paradossale di un uomo enigmatico che deve rischiare di distruggere il mondo per poterlo salvare.

Il film è interpretato da Cillian Murphy nel ruolo di J. Robert Oppenheimer e da Emily Blunt nel ruolo della moglie, la biologa e botanica Katherine ""Kitty"" Oppenheimer. Il premio Oscar® Matt Damon interpreta il generale Leslie Groves Jr., direttore del Progetto Manhattan, e Robert Downey Jr. interpreta Lewis Strauss, commissario fondatore della Commissione statunitense per l'energia atomica.

La candidata all'Oscar® Florence Pugh interpreta la psichiatra Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie interpreta il fisico teorico Edward Teller, Michael Angarano interpreta Robert Serber e Josh Hartnett interpreta il pionieristico scienziato nucleare americano Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer è interpretato dal vincitore dell'Oscar® Rami Malek e questo film vede Nolan riunirsi con l'attore, scrittore e regista otto volte candidato all'Oscar® Kenneth Branagh.

Il cast comprende anche Dane DeHaan (Valerian e la città dei mille pianeti), Dylan Arnold (serie Halloween), David Krumholtz (La ballata di Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) e Matthew Modine (Il Cavaliere Oscuro - Il ritorno).

Il film è tratto dal libro vincitore del premio Pulitzer American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer di Kai Bird e del compianto Martin J. Sherwin. Il film è prodotto da Emma Thomas, Charles Roven di Atlas Entertainment e Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer è girato sia in IMAX® 65mm che in pellicola di grande formato 65mm che include, per la prima volta in assoluto, sezioni in fotografia analogica IMAX® in bianco e nero.

I film di Nolan, tra cui Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception e la trilogia del Cavaliere Oscuro, hanno incassato più di 5 miliardi di dollari al botteghino mondiale e sono stati premiati con 11 Oscar e 36 nomination, tra cui due nomination come miglior film.

0 Views · 6 months ago

Christopher Nolans mit Preisen überhäufter Film "Oppenheimer" erzählt die Geschichte von Robert Oppenheimer, der im geheimen Manhattan-Projekt der USA die Entwicklung der Atombombe wissenschaftlich leitete. Cedric und seine beiden Gäste schauen ganz genau auf die Umsetzung in Bezug auf die Wissenschaft dahinter.

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Dal 23 agosto 2023 #SoloAlCinema

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Genre: Epic Thriller
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey, Jr., Matt Damon, Rami Malek, Florence Pugh, Benny Safdie, Michael Angarano, Josh Hartnett and Kenneth Branagh
Scritto e diretto da: Christopher Nolan
Prodotto da: Emma Thomas, Charles Roven e Christopher Nolan

Scritto e diretto da Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer è un thriller storico girato in IMAX® che porta il pubblico nell’avvincente storia paradossale di un uomo enigmatico che deve rischiare di distruggere il mondo per poterlo salvare.

Il film è interpretato da Cillian Murphy nel ruolo di J. Robert Oppenheimer e da Emily Blunt nel ruolo della moglie, la biologa e botanica Katherine ""Kitty"" Oppenheimer. Il premio Oscar® Matt Damon interpreta il generale Leslie Groves Jr., direttore del Progetto Manhattan, e Robert Downey Jr. interpreta Lewis Strauss, commissario fondatore della Commissione statunitense per l'energia atomica.

La candidata all'Oscar® Florence Pugh interpreta la psichiatra Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie interpreta il fisico teorico Edward Teller, Michael Angarano interpreta Robert Serber e Josh Hartnett interpreta il pionieristico scienziato nucleare americano Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer è interpretato dal vincitore dell'Oscar® Rami Malek e questo film vede Nolan riunirsi con l'attore, scrittore e regista otto volte candidato all'Oscar® Kenneth Branagh.

Il cast comprende anche Dane DeHaan (Valerian e la città dei mille pianeti), Dylan Arnold (serie Halloween), David Krumholtz (La ballata di Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) e Matthew Modine (Il Cavaliere Oscuro - Il ritorno).

Il film è tratto dal libro vincitore del premio Pulitzer American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer di Kai Bird e del compianto Martin J. Sherwin. Il film è prodotto da Emma Thomas, Charles Roven di Atlas Entertainment e Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer è girato sia in IMAX® 65mm che in pellicola di grande formato 65mm che include, per la prima volta in assoluto, sezioni in fotografia analogica IMAX® in bianco e nero.

I film di Nolan, tra cui Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception e la trilogia del Cavaliere Oscuro, hanno incassato più di 5 miliardi di dollari al botteghino mondiale e sono stati premiati con 11 Oscar e 36 nomination, tra cui due nomination come miglior film.

2 Views · 6 months ago

The documentary covers Oppenheimer's contribution to nuclear physics as a professor and leader of the Los Alamos Laboratory.

Director: Robin Bextor

0:00 The documentary
2:48 Insights into the privileged and intense upbringing of Robert Oppenheimer, his isolation as a child, and his attempts to distance himself from his Jewish identity.
8:24 Oppenheimer had a privileged childhood but felt trapped, leading him to seek adventure in New Mexico.
16:49 J. Robert Oppenheimer's early life, academic achievements, and political awakening.
23:39 Robert Oppenheimer's involvement with the Communist Party and his role in the Manhattan Project.
31:19 Oppenheimer, a non-Nobel Prize winning physicist, was chosen to lead the Manhattan Project due to his ability to communicate and manage people effectively.
39:44 The social life and atmosphere at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer's role as a leader, and the anxiety and tension leading up to the Trinity test.
49:39 The moral and ethical dilemmas faced by Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, during the development and use of the bomb during World War II.
57:14 Oppenheimer tries to convince Truman to establish an international atomic agency, but Truman dismisses him and decides to use the bomb. The Soviet Union's atomic bomb and the arrest of Klaus Fuchs lead to discussions about building a hydrogen bomb.
1:02:55 Oppenheimer's opposition to the hydrogen bomb led to suspicions of him working for the Soviets and a security case against him.
1:09:44 J. Robert Oppenheimer's reputation and career were destroyed due to false accusations of being a security risk and working for the Communist Party during the McCarthy era.
1:20:07 Robert Oppenheimer's reputation is restored through an interview on the Ed Murrow show, where he discusses the Institute for Advanced Study and the moral implications of nuclear weapons.
1:23:57 J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, was a complex and enigmatic figure who made significant contributions to science and faced challenges in his personal and professional life.
1:32:32 Oppenheimer represents the development of reason turned irrational and destructive, yet he was also a polymath and tried to contain the bomb.

1 Views · 6 months ago

"These things are hard on your heart." J. Robert Oppenheimer (Academy Award-nominee Cillian Murphy), leader of the Manhattan Project's efforts at Los Alamos, prepares for the test of the world's first detonation of a nuclear bomb, in this scene from Christopher Nolan's film, "Oppenheimer." Music by Oscar-nominee Ludwig Göransson.

"Oppenheimer" is nominated for 13 Academy Awards, including best picture.

Watch David Martin's interview with Christopher Nolan on "Oppenheimer":

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2 Views · 6 months ago

Ab 20. Juli 2023 im Kino.

Folgt uns auf:

Besetzung: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Rami Malek, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Kenneth Branagh
Regie & Drehbuch: Christopher Nolan
Produktion: Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, Christopher Nolan

Mit seinem epischen, in IMAX® gefilmten Thriller OPPENHEIMER entführt Drehbuch- und Regie-Ikone Christopher Nolan (Inception, Tenet) sein Publikum in das pulsierende Paradoxon eines rätselhaften Mannes, der die Zerstörung der Welt riskieren muss, um sie zu retten.

In den Hauptrollen spielen Cillian Murphy als J. Robert Oppenheimer (Peaky Blinders, Inception) und Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place) als seine Frau, die Biologin und Botanikerin Katherine „Kitty“ Oppenheimer. Oscar®-Preisträger Matt Damon (Die Bourne Verschwörung) porträtiert General Leslie Groves Jr., Leiter des Manhattan-Projekts, und Robert Downey Jr. (Avengers: Endgame) hat die Rolle von Lewis Strauss, Mitbegründer der US-Atomenergiekommission, übernommen. Die für den Oscar® nominierte Florence Pugh (Don’t Worry Darling) spielt die Psychiaterin Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie (Licorice Pizza) den theoretischen Physiker Edward Teller und Michael Angarano (This Is Us: Das ist Leben) Robert Serber. Darüber hinaus ist Josh Hartnett (Pearl Harbour) in der Rolle des Atomphysikers Ernest Lawrence zu sehen

OPPENHEIMER zeigt außerdem Oscar®-Preisträger Rami Malek (Keine Zeit zu sterben) und vereint Nolan nach Tenet erneut mit Oscar®-Preisträger Kenneth Branagh (Belfast). Zur weiteren Besetzung gehören Dane DeHaan (Valerian – Die Stadt der tausend Planeten), Dylan Arnold (Halloween-Reihe), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) und Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

Der Film basiert auf dem Buch „J. Robert Oppenheimer: Die Biographie“, für das die Autoren Kai Bird und Martin J. Sherwin mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnet wurden. Für das Drehbuch zeichnet Christopher Nolan selbst verantwortlich, der gemeinsam mit den Oscar®-Nominierten Emma Thomas (Dunkirk, Inception) und Charles Roven (American Hustle) auch als Produzent agierte.

Gedreht wurde OPPENHEIMER auf einer Kombination aus IMAX®-65mm- und 65mm-Großbildfilm sowie zum ersten Mal überhaupt teilweise auf IMAX®-Schwarz-Weiß-Analogfilm.

Nolans bisherige Filme, darunter Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception und die Dark-Knight-Trilogie, haben weltweit mehr als 5 Mrd. Dollar eingespielt und wurden insgesamt für 36 Oscars® nominiert, unter anderem zweimal für den Besten Film, und erhielten elf Auszeichnungen.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Einer der berühmtesten Wissenschaftler der amerikanischen Geschichte wird endlich zum ersten Mal in einem biografischen Film dargestellt. Doch was macht dem Blockbuster von Christopher Nolan den Titel "Film des Sommers" streitig?

Am 16. Juli 1945 zündete die US-Regierung die erste Atombombe in der Wüste Jornada del Muerto in New Mexico. Dieses Ereignis - der Trinity-Test - veränderte die Welt für immer. Bald darauf warfen die USA zwei Atombomben auf Japan ab und beendeten den Zweiten Weltkrieg auf die zerstörerischste Art und Weise, die möglich war. Dies löste auch das Wettrüsten im Kalten Krieg aus und schuf eine Welt, die von atomaren Supermächten beherrscht wird. Viele Menschen trugen zum Manhattan-Projekt bei, den amerikanischen Bemühungen, die zum Trinity-Test führten, doch ein Mann trug die wahre Verantwortung für die Entwicklung der Atombombe - J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Als er Zeuge des ersten Tests der tödlichsten Waffe der Geschichte wurde, erinnerte sich Oppenheimer an eine Schriftstelle aus der Bhagavad-Gita:

"Ich bin jetzt der Tod, der Zerstörer der Welten."

Seitdem hat diese unglaublich umstrittene Erfindung Oppenheimers Leben und sein Vermächtnis verfolgt, und es ist erstaunlich, dass noch niemand eine Biografie über einen so faszinierenden, einflussreichen Mann gedreht hat ... bis jetzt. Fast 80 Jahre nachdem die Atombombe den Lauf der Menschheitsgeschichte verändert hat, wird der Regisseur Christopher Nolan die Geschichte des Physikers auf der großen Leinwand erzählen - in einem Blockbuster, der einer der besten des Jahres 2023 zu werden verspricht.

Wer ist J. Robert Oppenheimer? | 0:00
Erscheinungsdatum | 1:23
Die Handlung | 2:17
Die Besetzung | 3:25
Der Regisseur | 4:43
Die Musik | 5:18
Drehorte | 6:07
Kinematographie | 7:13
Historische Genauigkeit | 8:20
Das Manhattan-Projekt | 9:28
Keine Partner mehr | 10:42
Immer wiederkehrende Kollegen | 12:05
Wie ist das zu vergleichen? | 13:15
Was kommt als Nächstes? | 14:13

Hier der ganze Artikel (auf Englisch):

2 Views · 6 months ago

J. Robert Oppenheimer and his team tested the function of the atomic bomb they had created before it was used to end World War II in Asia.

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0 Views · 6 months ago

Ab 20. Juli im Kino.

Folgt uns auf:

Besetzung: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Rami Malek, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Kenneth Branagh
Regie & Drehbuch: Christopher Nolan
Produktion: Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, Christopher Nolan

Das von Christopher Nolan (Inception, Tenet) geschriebene und inszenierte IMAX®-Thrillerepos OPPENHEIMER konfrontiert das Publikum mit dem pulsierenden Paradoxon jenes rätselhaften Mannes, der die Zerstörung der Welt riskieren muss, um sie zu retten.

In den Hauptrollen spielen Cillian Murphy (Peaky Blinders, Inception) als J. Robert Oppenheimer und Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place) als seine Frau, die Biologin und Botanikerin Katherine „Kitty“ Oppenheimer. Oscar®-Preisträger Matt Damon (Die Bourne Verschwörung) porträtiert General Leslie Groves Jr., Leiter des Manhattan-Projekts, und Robert Downey Jr. (Avengers: Endgame) spielt Lewis Strauss, Mitbegründer der US-Atomenergiekommission.

Die Oscar®-nominierte Florence Pugh (Don’t Worry Darling) ist als Psychiaterin Jean Tatlock zu sehen, Benny Safdie (Licorice Pizza) als theoretischer Physiker Edward Teller, Michael Angarano (This Is Us: Das ist Leben) als Robert Serber und Josh Hartnett (Pearl Harbour) als revolutionärer US-Atomphysiker Ernest Lawrence.

OPPENHEIMER zeigt außerdem Oscar®-Preisträger Rami Malek (Keine Zeit zu sterben) und vereint Nolan erneut mit dem achtfach Oscar®-nominierten Schauspieler, Autor und Filmemacher Kenneth Branagh (Belfast).

Ebenfalls zur Besetzung gehören Dane DeHaan (Valerian – Die Stadt der tausend Planeten), Dylan Arnold (Halloween-Reihe), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) und Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

Der Film basiert auf dem Pulitzer-Preis-prämierten Buch „J. Robert Oppenheimer: Die Biographie“ von Kai Bird und dem verstorbenen Martin J. Sherwin. Produziert wurde der Film von Emma Thomas (Dunkirk, Inception), Charles Roven (American Hustle) von Atlas Entertainment und Christopher Nolan.

Gedreht wurde OPPENHEIMER auf einer Kombination aus IMAX®-65mm- und 65mm-Großbildfilm und zum ersten Mal in der Filmgeschichte mit einigen Sequenzen auf IMAX®-Schwarz-Weiß-Analogfilm.

Nolans Filme, darunter Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception und die Dark-Knight-Trilogie, haben weltweit mehr als 5 Mrd. Dollar eingespielt und insgesamt 11 Oscars® und 36 Nominierungen erhalten, darunter zwei für den Besten Film.

0 Views · 6 months ago

v kinech od: 20. 7. 2023 CinemArt | odebírat kanál: náš web:
Film Oppenheimer Christophera Nolana diváky vtáhne do osudů jaderného fyzika J. Roberta Oppenheimera, který proto, aby zachránil svět, musí riskovat jeho zničení. Ve filmu se představí Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey, Jr., Matt Damon, Rami Malek, Florence Pugh, Kenneth Branagh.

#CillianMurphy #RobertDowneyJr #Oppenheimer

0 Views · 6 months ago

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Robert Oppenheimer, bekannt als der Erfinder der Atombombe, war ein amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, ein Mann von außergewöhnlicher Intelligenz und einfach ein erstaunlicher und ungewöhnlicher Mensch. Hat Robert Oppenheimer die Entwicklung der Atombombe bereut? Auf welche Schwierigkeiten stieß Robert Oppenheimer bei der Entwicklung der Atombombe? War Oppenheimer ein Schurke oder ein Genie? "Biographer" begleitet euch. In unserem heutigen Video sprechen wir über die Erschaffung der Atombombe und über den Mann, dessen Erfindung das Leben in ein Vorher und Nachher teilte - Robert Oppenheimer.

Wenn ihr mich unterstützen wollt -

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Kindheit
06:13 - Erste wissenschaftliche Forschungen
12:49 - Politik
16:11 - An der Schwelle zu revolutionären Entdeckungen
18:06 - Das Manhattan-Projekt
23:55 - Die Geheimhaltung in Los Alamos
28:44 - Jetzt bin ich der Tod, der Zerstörer der Welten
35:30 - Blut an den Händen
48:13 - Die Nachkriegsjahre

#Oppenheimer #Atombombe #Biograf

Robert Oppenheimer, Atombombe, Biograph

Stichworte: Vater der Atombombe, Atomwaffen, Bedrohung durch Atomwaffen, Atommächte, erste Atombombe, wie funktioniert eine Atombombe, wer hat die Atombombe erfunden, oppenheimer, oppenheimer dokumentarfilm, oppenheimer bhagavad gita, oppenheimer trailer, oppenheimer interview, atombombe, WWIII, oppenheimer film, kernspaltung, kernspaltung erklärt, manhattan projekt, 3 weltkrieg, atomic energy commission, j robert oppenheimer, Cillian Murphy, Christopher Nolan Oppenheimer, Biograph

0 Views · 6 months ago

Written and Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Produced by: Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan
Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX ® -shot epic thriller that thrusts
audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in
order to save it.
The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as his wife, biologist and
botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. Oscar ®  winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr.,
director of the Manhattan Project, and Robert Downey, Jr. plays Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner
of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 
Academy Award ®  nominee Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie plays theoretical
physicist Edward Teller, Michael Angarano plays Robert Serber and Josh Hartnett plays pioneering
American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence.
Oppenheimer also stars Oscar ®  winner Rami Malek and reunites Nolan with eight-time Oscar ®  nominated
actor, writer and filmmaker Kenneth Branagh. 
The cast includes Dane DeHaan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets), Dylan Arnold
(Halloween franchise), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star
Wars Story) and Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises). 
The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of
J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma
Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan. 
Oppenheimer is filmed in a combination of IMAX ®  65mm and 65mm large-format film photography
including, for the first time ever, sections in IMAX ®  black and white analogue photography. 
Nolan’s films, including Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, have earned
more than $5 billion at the global box office and have been awarded 11 Oscars and 36 nominations,
including two Best Picture nominations.

2 Views · 6 months ago

Official Oppenheimer Movie Trailer 2023 | Subscribe ➤ | Cillian Murphy Movie Trailer | Theaters: 21 Jul 2023 | More
The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer’s role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

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Oppenheimer (2023) is the new drama starring Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt and Robert Downey Jr..

Note | #Oppenheimer #Trailer courtesy of Universal Pictures. | All Rights Reserved. | are affiliate-links. That add no additional cost to you, but will support our work through a small commission. | #KinoCheck®

1 Views · 6 months ago

Oppenheimer - In Theaters 7 21 23

Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it.

The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as his wife, biologist and botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. Oscar® winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr., director of the Manhattan Project, and Robert Downey, Jr. plays Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Academy Award® nominee Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie plays theoretical physicist Edward Teller, Michael Angarano plays Robert Serber and Josh Hartnett plays pioneering American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer also stars Oscar® winner Rami Malek and reunites Nolan with eight-time Oscar® nominated actor, writer and filmmaker Kenneth Branagh.

The cast includes Dane DeHaan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets), Dylan Arnold (Halloween franchise), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) and Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer is filmed in a combination of IMAX® 65mm and 65mm large-format film photography including, for the first time ever, sections in IMAX® black and white analogue photography.

Nolan’s films, including Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, have earned more than $5 billion at the global box office and have been awarded 11 Oscars and 36 nominations, including two Best Picture nominations.

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2 Views · 6 months ago

OPPENHEIMER. Der neue Film von Christopher Nolan zieht nicht nur massenhaft Menschen in die Kinos, sondern weckt auch Interesse für die Person des J. Robert Oppenheimer. Wer war der Vater der Atombombe? Und wer waren all die anderen Figuren im Film? In welcher Reihenfolge geschahen die Ereignisse? Was passierte nach dem Ende des Films für Oppenheimer? All diese Fragen (und mehr) erklärt euch Jonas in diesen Special!

00:00:00 - Anmoderation
00:02:22 - Kindheit & Jugend
00:08:11 - Studium & Lehrtätigkeit
00:40:41 - Manhattan-Projekt
01:28:05 - Institute for Advanced Study & Atomic Energy Commission
01:41:44 - AEC Sicherheitsanhörung
01:58:30 - Restliches Leben

Moderation & Redaktion: Jonas Ressel, Alper Turfan
Kamera & Ton: Patrik Hochnadel, Felix Lückel
Schnitt: Jonas Ressel

Buch: J. Robert Oppenheimer von Kai Bird und Martin J. Sherwin
Film: To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb


#christophernolan #oppenheimer

Cinema Strikes Back gehört zu #funk.

0 Views · 6 months ago

Christopher Nolans #oscars2024-prämierter Film "Oppenheimer" bringt die größten Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts auf die Leinwand. Ob Heisenberg, Bohr, Einstein oder #Oppenheimer selbst – aber ein Name fehlt: Die vergessene Figur in "Oppenheimer"!

#ChristopherNolan #Oscars2024 #BestPicture #CillianMurphy #Oscars

Das Video von Gert Scobel findet ihr hier:

Danke an Claus Ast für die Illustrationen!

00:00 Intro
1:02 Das Experiment von Hahn und Straßmann
2:43 Die vergessene Rolle in Oppenheimer
3:23 Wer war sie?
5:47 Die Erklärung des Experiments
8:20 Die Folgen
12:01 Die Entstehung des Manhattan-Projekts
13:39 Wie gehen wir mit wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen um?

Noch mehr zum Thema:
Das Atomzeitalter: Von Hiroshima bis zur Kuba-Krise:
OPPENHEIMER: Der Film komplett erklärt:
Illusionen des Atomzeitalters – Strahlende Zukunftsträume

Quellen & weiterführende Links:
Hahn, O., Strassmann, F. Über den Nachweis und das Verhalten der bei der Bestrahlung des Urans mittels Neutronen entstehenden Erdalkalimetalle. Naturwissenschaften 27, 11–15 (1939).
Meitner, L., Frisch, O.R. Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons: a New Type of Nuclear Reaction. Nature 143, 239–240 (1939).
Kerner, Charlotte (1987): Lise, Atomphysikerin. Die Lebensgeschichte der Lise Meitner.
Rennert, David; Traxler, Tanja (2018): Lise Meitner: Pionierin des Atomzeitalters
Der Einstein-Szilard-Brief im Wortlaut:

Abonnieren? Einfach hier klicken:

Terra X in der Mediathek:

Leschs Kosmos in der Mediathek:
Terra X bei Facebook -

Moderation: Harald Lesch
Autor:in: Jana Steuer, Victor Riley
Redaktion: Victor Riley
Produktion: Florian Rehm, Andrea Böhmer
Producer:in (objektiv media): Anne Westphal
Kamera: Thorsten Eiffler
Ton: Noah Amshoff
Schnitt: Dennis Burneleit
Thumbnail: David Weber
Illustrationen: Claus Ast
Grafiken: Dennis Burneleit / Kurzgesagt
Musik von Extreme Music & YouTube Audio Library

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF, in Zusammenarbeit mit objektiv media.

0 Views · 6 months ago

Oppenheimer - Only In Theaters 7 21 23

Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it.

The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as his wife, biologist and botanist Katherine “Kitty” Oppenheimer. Oscar® winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr., director of the Manhattan Project, and Robert Downey, Jr. plays Lewis Strauss, a founding commissioner of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.

Academy Award® nominee Florence Pugh plays psychiatrist Jean Tatlock, Benny Safdie plays theoretical physicist Edward Teller, Michael Angarano plays Robert Serber and Josh Hartnett plays pioneering American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence.

Oppenheimer also stars Oscar® winner Rami Malek and reunites Nolan with eight-time Oscar® nominated actor, writer and filmmaker Kenneth Branagh.

The cast includes Dane DeHaan (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets), Dylan Arnold (Halloween franchise), David Krumholtz (The Ballad of Buster Scruggs), Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) and Matthew Modine (The Dark Knight Rises).

The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan.

Oppenheimer is filmed in a combination of IMAX® 65mm and 65mm large-format film photography including, for the first time ever, sections in IMAX® black and white analogue photography.

Nolan’s films, including Tenet, Dunkirk, Interstellar, Inception and The Dark Knight trilogy, have earned more than $5 billion at the global box office and have been awarded 11 Oscars and 36 nominations, including two Best Picture nominations.

Social Handles:

2 Views · 6 months ago

Offizieller "Oppenheimer" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Oppenheimer) Movie Trailer | Kino: 20 Jul 2023 | Filminfos
Die Geschichte von J. Robert Oppenheimers Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Atombombe während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

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Note | #Oppenheimer German #Trailer courtesy of Universal Pictures. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 6 months ago

Offizieller "Oppenheimer" Trailer Deutsch German 2023 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: Oppenheimer) Movie Trailer | Kino: 20 Jul 2023 | Filminfos
Die Geschichte von J. Robert Oppenheimers Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Atombombe während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.

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Note | #Oppenheimer German #Trailer courtesy of Universal Pictures. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®

0 Views · 6 months ago

Un omicidio misterioso, un detective esperto e una verità più pericolosa di quanto si potesse immaginare.

Regia di Grant Singer. Un film con Benicio Del Toro, Justin Timberlake, Eric Bogosian, Alicia Silverstone, Domenick Lombardozzi. Cast completo Genere Azione, Drammatico - USA, 2023, durata 134 minuti. Dal 6 ottobre su Netflix.

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