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Раз в год, в Тай!!! Просто шикарный отдых
Если у вас увеличена простата, то как уменьшить простату? Что такое простата? Каковы симптомы простатита? Увеличенная простата у мужчин может привести даже к таким последствиям, как рак простаты. Но чтобы уменьшить увеличенную простату, можно делать простую вещь: регулярно употреблять всего один доступный продукт!
0:00 - увеличенная простата;
0:34 - причины увеличения простаты;
2:19 - ликопин;
2:53 - продукт для уменьшения простаты;
3:47 - другие полезные средства для простаты;
4:00 - худший продукт для простаты.
Существует всего один продукт, который нужно есть, если хотите уменьшить увеличенную простату. Простата – это железа, которая охватывает маленькую трубочку под мочевым пузырем. Когда она в норме, она с грецкий орех. Когда она увеличивается, то затрудняет мочеиспускание и это мешает спать по ночам. Кроме того, увеличенная простата может привести к раку.
Чтобы простата увеличилась, ее должны активировать определенные гормоны. Один из таких гормонов – тестостерон. С помощью определенного фермента тестостерон превращается в ДГТ. По всей видимости, ДГТ связан с увеличением простаты. Один из самых продаваемых препаратов от этой проблемы блокирует этот фермент, снижая ДГТ.
С возрастом уровень тестостерона и уровень ДГТ снижаются, но и простата увеличивается. Как тогда снижение уровня ДГТ решает проблему, если ДГТ и так снижается с возрастом?
Похоже, что с возрастом повышается активность этого фермента, в результате чего становится больше ДГТ и его эффект на простату увеличивается.
Есть ли натуральный блокатор этого фермента? Да! Согласно одному исследованию, он может снизить риск увеличения простаты на 21%. Натуральный блокатор этого фермента также уменьшает воспаление, оказывает мощное антиоксидантное действие. Это соединение ликопин.
Ликопин есть в арбузах, моркови, грейпфруте. Но если вы хотите получать много ликопина, то его следует получать из помидоров. Ликопин в помидорах становится более биодоступным, когда его нагревают. Ликопин – соединение жирорастворимое. Поэтому, если готовите что-то с помидорами, добавляйте оливковое масло.
Худший продукт для простаты – молоко. Гормоны роста в молоке тоже могут привести к увеличению простаты.
❗Этот видеоматериал представлен исключительно в информационных целях. Он не должен использоваться для самодиагностики или как замена медицинскому обследованию, диагностике, лечению, назначениям или рекомендациям врачей. Факт просмотра не устанавливает отношений «врач-пациент» между вами и Доктором Бергом. Вам не следует вносить изменения в свой режим или диету без консультации терапевта и прохождения медицинского осмотра, получения диагноза и назначения от врача. В случае любых вопросов, касающихся вашего здоровья, всегда обращайтесь к квалифицированному врачу. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals и Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. и Официальное представительство Доктора Берга в России не несут ответственности за советы, лечение, диагностику и любые принятые вами меры на основании данных из этого видеоматериала или на сайте.
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Spice Performing Different Category Official Music Video.
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Submit your Music Video to: rapradio.info@gmail.com
Directed By Nicholas Belotti @flyguynick
Produced By Roark Bailey & ADP
Long Live The Kings Deluxe out now! https://smarturl.it/LLTKD
“Different Than Them” Audio
Subscribe to Calboy's official channel for exclusive music videos and behind the scenes looks:
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Listen to the album “Boyz N The Hood". Out Now!
Stream: https://music.empi.re/boyznthehoodpre
#PaperRouteWoo #SnupeBandz #PRE
Official Video by PaperRoute Woo - "Different Channel " © 2022 Paper Route Empire
Listen to "Different" here: https://joshuatbassett.lnk.to/different
Follow Joshua Bassett:
Edited by A27 Studios
Darling how I missed you
Two years not even friends
And I'm trying not to kiss you
'Cause we've seen how this can end
And my therapist would kill me
If she knew that I was here
But no one knows me like you know me dear
And no one holds me how you hold me dear
I'm back in your arms
But everything's changed
Now we've been to hell and back again
My biggest regret was walking away
I'm not gonna make the same mistake
I know you're afraid we'll end up the same
And the truth is we might
But if we do this thing right
Maybe this time it'll be different
Maybe this time it'll be different
Now I'm late to catch a red eye
I didn't think we'd end up here
Yeah I'm already on cloud nine
Don't want to head back down the stairs
And I didn't think you'd kiss me
But I'm too in love to care
So kiss me slow before I go my dear
I'm back in your arms
But everything's changed
Now we've been to hell and back again
My biggest regret was walking away
I'm not gonna make the same mistake
I know you're afraid we'll end up the same
And the truth is we might
But if we do this thing right
Maybe this time it'll be different
Maybe this time it'll be different
Make me yours and I'm not leaving
I know for sure you're all I needed
I can't believe I didn't see it
We took our time with space we needed
I'm back in your arms
But everything's changed
Now we've been to hell and back again
My biggest regret was walking away
I'm not gonna make the same mistake
I know you're afraid we'll end up the same
And the truth is we might
But if we do this thing right
Maybe this time it'll be different
Maybe this time it'll be different
#JoshuaBassett #Different
Mike Smiff "Different" Official Music Video
In this video, Ezra Cohen breaks down the key differences behind what it takes to edit music videos, documentaries, commercials, tour visuals, and fashion videos like a pro!
→ Join the ultimate video editing masterclass:
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0:00 Intro
0:54 Music Videos
2:10 Documentaries
3:44 Commercials
5:01 Tour Visuals
6:00 Fashion Film
7:13 Happy Editing Teaser
Follow us here:
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Best all-purpose lens - https://amzn.to/3903FeQ
Budget studio light we use - https://amzn.to/3Nw5MpQ
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Best podcast / all-purpose mic - https://amzn.to/3aB9bFe
Microphone from this video - https://amzn.to/38WLaYJ
Grey Paper Background - https://amzn.to/3GVNnA9
My computer - https://amzn.to/3H4Y8jO
My monitor - https://amzn.to/3mo2by2
Screenbar light - https://amzn.to/3tnNQWb
Audio interface - https://amzn.to/3MuAT3w
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#EzraCohen #Tutorials
Get the 'Something Different' EP Available NOW: http://whydntwe.co/somethingdifferent
TEXT US: +1 (323) 348-1663
Directed by Logan Paul
The official video for you different by devvon terrell
Download Or Stream "YOU DIFFERENT"
Link: https://ffm.to/youdifferent
▶ Listen To Devvon Terrell Music
Spotify: https://cutt.ly/5dt3OPE
Apple Music: https://cutt.ly/Qdt324u
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/artist/5083346
Soundcloud: https://cutt.ly/Jdt8gtr
LUM: https://cutt.ly/tdt4eqv
▶ Follow Devvon Terrell
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▶ Shop Devvon Terrell Merch
Ryan Matthews
#music #rnb #hiphop
"Daniel Cruz"
Directed, Edited and Shot By: DEVVON TERRELL
Video credits:
Directing, Cinematography, Editing, and VFX: Vania Heymann
Producer: Natan Schottenfels
Actors: Yair & Eliyah Lewis
Production team:
Ittai Aminoff
Amir Tal
Achiya Schatz
Daniel Fidler
Yael Friedlander
Mor Hazan
Elinadav Heymann
Additional cinematography: Amit Shimoni
Ariel Druck, Michal Naor, Maayan Marziano, Maor Haber, Michal Bashiri, Yishai Pearlman, Dor Posner, Tal Klein, Michal Bashiri, Miki Fromchenkoi, Assaf Machnes and Roy Kafri.
Music credits:
Written & Composed by - Asaf Avidan
Produced By - Tamir Muskat
Arranged by - Asaf Avidan & Tamir Muskat
Recorded & Mixed by - Tamir Muskat
Mastered By Vlado Meler @ Masterdisk NYC, Assisted by Mark Santagelo
Vocals - Asaf Avidan
All Instruments - Asaf Avidan & Tamir Muskat
Asaf Avidan live at the Odeon of Herodus Atticus in Athens on 22nd September 2022:
My life is like a wound I scratch so I can bleed
Regurgitate my words, I write so I can feed
And Death grows like a tree that's planted in my chest
Its roots are at my feet, I walk so it won't rest
Oh, Baby I am Lost...
I try to push the colors through a prism back to white
To sync our different pulses into a blinding light
And if love is not the key. If love is not a key.
I hope that I can find a place where it could be
I know that in your heart there is an answer to a question
That I'm not as yet aware that I have asked
And if that tree had not drunk my tears
I would have bled and cried for all the years
That I alone have let them pass
Oh, Baby I am yours...
AsafAvidanMusic.com #AsafAvidan
Fix Can't send this video.Choose a different video and try again Error in Whatsapp-can't send this video choose a different video and try again whatsapp-can't send this video whatsapp-whatsapp cant send this video.
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I get the following error message/notification while try to send the videos in whatsapp in my android:
Can't send this video.Choose a different video and try again.
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This error solution is common for android,tablet,bluestacks and the android versions are kitkat,lollipop,marshmallow and nougat also.
Some error occurred android devices are samsung,asus,asus zenfone,vivo,micromax,lenovo,oppo,panasonic,one plus one,le eco,lyf,nexus,google pixel,yureka,redmi,gionee,black berry,nokia android mobiles,samsung galaxy and note devices,moto e,moto g,moto x,moto z,htc,htc one,lg,sony,sony xperia and sometime ios iphone,windows phone also.
🎥 👍 💞✔✅LIKE &💖.✔✅SHARE 🐠 💞✔ COMMENTS💞✔ 💯
1.First of all delete all the videos in same that person contact in whatsapp.
2.Now click camera icon and select your video to be send and click to send.
3.If this method is not works in your android you can delete all the conversations in that particular contact person.
4.Then click media option and select your video and click to send it.
5.Finally the problem is solved.
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This is the official music video of 'Different Colours, One People' by legendary reggae singer Lucky Dube. The song is from the album titled 'Victims', which was released in 1993.
Listen to Lucky Dube:
Amazon Music - https://www.amazon.com/music/p....layer/artists/B0010S
Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/za/art....ist/lucky-dube/53521
Deezer - https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/65834
iTunes - https://music.apple.com/za/art....ist/lucky-dube/53521
SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/lucky-dube-official
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artis....t/308gQ5eCBIiSAHmi9t
Tidal - https://tidal.com/browse/artist/18651
YouTube Music - https://music.youtube.com/chan....nel/UC95Aux-yTr5KxOk
Follow Lucky Dube:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/official_dube
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucky_dube_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuckyDubeLegacy
Follow Gallo Music:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GalloMusicSA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gallomusicsa/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gallomusicsa
#LuckyDube #OnePeople #differentcolours #Reggae #SouthAfricanMusic #musicvideo #victims #VictimsAlbum #SouthAfricanReggae #AfricanReggae #LuckyDubeSongs #LuckyDubemusic
Breaking those barriers
All over the world (Was not an easy thing)
Yesterday your mouth was shut
Couldn't make a sound eh boy
But it's such a good feeling today
When I can hear them from across the ocean (Singing this song)
That the whole world should be singing
All the time
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Hey you government
Never try to separate the people
Hey you politician
Never try to separate the people here
They were created in the image of God
And who are you to separate them
Bible says He made man in his image (But it didn't say black or white)
Look at me (You see black)
I look at you (I see White)
Now is the time to kick that away
Join me (In my song)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (We are one people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (We are one people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours
Hey you government
Never separate the people
You politician
Never try to separate the people here
Some were from America (We were from South Africa)
Some were from Japan (We were from China)
Some were from Australia (We were from the UK)
Some were from Zimbabwe (We were from Ghana)
Some were from Jamaica (We were from Russia)
You are from Uganda
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
Different colours (One people)
One people
Music video by Hashez performing Different (Official Video).
Produced by: FireNation Muzic
#Hashez #Different #FireNationMuzic
FKJ - Different Masks For Different Days (Official Music Video - Staring Mès Lesne)
From the new album "V I N C E N T" out now: https://fkj.ffm.to/vincent
North America Tour 2022 on sale now: https:// fkj.lnk.to/tour
Album vinyl box sets and more avail here: https://frenchkiwijuice.merchtable.com 📀📀📀
Subscribe for more music: http://fkj.lnk.to/youtube
Follow FKJ:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frenchkiwijuice
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fkjmusic
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@frenchkiwijuice
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frenchkiwijuice
Spotify : http://smarturl.it/fkjspotify
YouTube: http://fkj.lnk.to/youtube
Lead Talent - Mès Lesne
Director - Greg Barnes @clingfilms
Exec Producer - Martin Roker
Production Company - Black Dog Films
Producer - Maya Dufeu
Production Manager - Liam Wallace-Cook
DOP - Spike Morris
Steadicam - Beau Pritchard-James
1st AD - Ffion Kunz
Focus Puller - Fabio Olgiati
2nd AC - Felix Wildey
Gaffer - Jamie Hitchens
Spark - Fabio Alonso
Spark - Josh Maclaren
Stylist - Nathalie Gabrielsson
MUA - Alice Howlett
Runner - Milo Tucker
Runner - Kai Rajakulasingam
Runner - Charles Doherty
Runner - Sophie Jacob
Edit - Greg Barnes
Grade - Studio RM
Processing - Cinelab
Ballerina - Josipa Kukor
Man in Alley - Rufus White
Man w/Limp - John Goldup
Shopkeeper - Alfie Black
Angry Woman - Monica Garcia-Arias
Tosser - Jorge Fernandes
Bar Scene:
Frances Van Jaarsveldt
Jake Phipps
Jayde Brown
Film Out – Adrian Bull
Film Processing and Scanning - Cinelab Film & Digital.
Film Processing – Andy Hudson, Tony Puzas, John Gurney, Steve Sheridan, Derek Collins, John Allaker, Ryan Liddle
Film Lab Dailies Producer / Sales Manager – Commercials - Aarti Mahtani
Special thanks - Cinelab Film & Digital.
Squash - Different Rankin | Official Music Video | Reggae Gold 2020 Exclusive
Stream This Song: https://VPRecords.lnk.to/ReggaeGold2020
Squash 6ix Boss presents the official music video for "Different Rankin". Exclusively on Reggae Gold 2020. VP Records.
Follow Squash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squash6iixboss/
#Squash #VPRecords #ReggaeGold #Dancehall
Dancehall 2020 Dancehall 2020 Dancehall 2020
Pablo’s POP DROPS 🍭 The hottest hit music on YouTube! 🔥 You like what you see? Leave a comment, like the video and subscribe to the channel now! ► https://bit.ly/3dAK2Hq
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Connect with us & submit your music now! ► pablos@guesstimate.de
Pablo’s Music on social media! 👉 https://Pablos.lnk.to/5JaK7c
Pablo’s Official Video for Different For Us by Alle Farben & Jordan Powers! Stream or buy the song on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Deezer, and Amazon! ► https://Synesthesia.lnk.to/DifferentForUs
🎵 Alle Farben: http://www.instagram.com/allefarben_official/
🎵 Jordan Powers: https://www.instagram.com/jaepowers/
Pablo’s POP DROPS is part of the Guesstimate MCN
Video by:
Jannis Döring
brought to you by quarantine.
Director: Brian Paison
Writers: Susie Yankou & Brian Paison
Producer: Susie Yankou
DP: Johnny Valencia
Assistant Camera: Rehman Nizar Ali
Music video by Josh Wawa White performing Different Flavors
More from HamoLive:
Ata Ata Mai: https://youtu.be/YftiloJk-uY
Tuu Maia Lou Lima: https://youtu.be/vhnnO4jSaak
Filmed by Tulaga Whitcombe
🔔 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UClVe0PqRKIrYnzFeM
#JoshWAWAWhite #DifferentFlavors
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#123go #live #school
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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Dir. by @iampaigeharmon
prod. by @Blxst
Out The Blue Records
Nines - Different League ft. Nafe Smallz & Clavish (Official Video)
Buy the merch and physicals for Crop Circle 2: https://store.ninesofficial.com/gb/
Stream the album: https://lnk.to/nines-album-cropcircle2
Follow Nines
#Nines #CropCircle2
Watch the official video from BlueBucksClan "Different Levels."
Stream/Download BlueBucksClan new album "Clan Virus 2" here: https://bluebucksclan.lnk.to/ClanVirus2
Follow BlueBucksClan Everywhere:
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BlueBucksClan "Different Levels" Lyrics
(It's Loyalty)
[Verse 1: BlueBucksClan DJ]
Y'all niggas doin' all that talkin', niggas weird (Niggas weird)
I can't hear, big diamonds in my ear (Big diamonds)
How we pass you niggas up in a year? (In a year)
Pullin' up in the fastest shit here (Fastest shit here)
Probably seen me with the baddest bitch here (Baddest bitch here)
Been that nigga, name a bitch I can't hit now (Name a bitch)
Different levels, you should see the hoes I hit now (You should see the hoes I hit now)
Different pedals, you should see the foreigns I whip now (You should see the foreigns I whip)
Got on all white, I can't sit down (I can't sit)
Saint Laurent and Dior, bitch, I'm dripped down (Bitch, I'm drippеd)
Twelve hundred on thеse shoes, only right to spend it (Yeah, fuck it)
Flyer than a motherfuckin' flight attendent (Bitch, I'm fly)
Told her put in my pocket, only right to give it (It's only right)
Your bitch tellin' me you cheap and you type expensive (Yeah, you type)
Same pussy I be turnin' down, you niggas fight to get it (You niggas fight for it)
[Verse 2: Jeeezy]
Diamonds strikin' in my ears, look like lightning hit it (Hittin' hard)
Bitches I don't wanna fuck, yeah, you might could hit it (Yeah, you might)
Pull up on her, get some top, you spend the night to get it (You spend the night)
Close the curtains in the double-R, yeah, I'm hidin' in it (Yeah, I'm hidin')
It's two hundred on this dash if I'm ridin' in it (If I'm ridin' in it)
My bitch got a sugar wax, yeah, I'm divin' in it (Should've dived)
Lawyer bitch let me fuck, yeah, I lied to get it (I had to lie)
Hundred thousand dollars on this 'fit to put my body in it (Put my body in it)
How we pass you niggas up in eight months? (These niggas weak)
In your videos smokin' fake Runtz (You niggas lame)
You niggas mad 'cause a verse cost a dub (Twenty thou')
Niggas' bitches seen me out and want a hug (They want a hug)
'Member sleepin' on that floor with fifty bugs (Fifty bugs)
Now I'm catchin' plays in Vegas, Henry Ruggs (Henry Ruggs)
I might pull up to my show with fifty thugs (Fifty thugs)
Load the pistols backstage, it's fifty guns (Fifty guns)
[Verse 3: BlueBucksClan DJ]
Yeah, I seen your video, was fifty bums (Fifty bums)
Five bands, treat that shit like fifty ones (Fifty dollars)
Yeah, I'm shittin' on these niggas, got the runs (Shittin' on these niggas)
Fuckin' on the same hoes as Diddy sons (Diddy sons)
Guarantee that bitch bad if she left with us (Left with us)
Somebody tell these lil' ass niggas step it up (Step it up)
Fuckin' up Dior, ain't nobody fresh as us (Ain't nobody fresh as us)
Lookin' down on these niggas, nobody next to us (Nobody next to us)
[Verse 4: Jeeezy]
Head fire, lock me up while I'm standin' up (Standin' up)
Do that shit you did to me to the rest of us (To the rest of us)
Broke niggas with no hoes the ones hate on us (Niggas lame)
Thirty in my pocket, I don't gotta say too much (Say too much)
In my DM, bitches tell me I play too much (Play too much)
Sip the juice, but I told my granny it's grapefruit punch (Grapefruit punch)
Wasted five-star meals, yeah, I ate too much (I ate too much)
[Verse 5: BlueBucksClan DJ]
Told her I just want some top, can't stay too much (I can't stay)
I don't never pass the 'Wood, I face too much (Yeah, I face)
Foreign gotta have a button, I race too much (Yeah, I race)
In the Prada store happy, I don't hate too much (I don't hate)
Fuck her from the back standin' up, I don't lay too much (I don't lay too much)
#BlueBucksClan #DifferentLevels #ClanVirus2
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Click Here to get Different Shades of Blue by Joe Bonamassa Now: http://joeb.me/JB-DSOB
The Official Music Video for "Different Shades Of Blue."
CD was released in the U.S. on September 23rd and in Europe on September 22nd, 2014
- GRAMMY-nominated guitar superstar Joe Bonamassa released his brand new solo album Different Shades Of Blue (J&R Adventures) on September 23, 2014. This is Bonamassa's first studio album in two years and the first album of his career to feature all original material. The result is a record with more of an experimental edge than previous Bonamassa records. It's a blues record that explores the outer reaches and the many different sounds that shape the genre.
"It's been a while since I've been involved in the writing on an entire album. So I decided I wanted to make a completely original blues album," said Bonamassa. "I've really had to push myself to make everything I do better than the last project. I know the fans expect it. And I feel like I owe it to the fans to give them an original record after all these years."
To prepare for the record, Bonamassa took 2013 off from releasing any new studio material, a rarity in the tireless bluesman's career, and instead spent time in Nashville writing with Jonathan Cain (Journey), known for hits "Who's Crying Now," "Open Arms," and "When You Love A Woman;" James House (Diamond Rio, Dwight Yoakam, Martina McBride), and Jerry Flowers (Keith Urban).
"The writers really inspired me, and having access to really great lyricists and songwriters made it such a great experience," said Bonamassa. Recorded at Studio At The Palms in Las Vegas, NV, Different Shades Of Blue was produced by Kevin Shirley (Black Crowes, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin), who has helmed Bonamassa's last fifteen projects including his solo projects and collaborations with Black Country Communion and Beth Hart. To complement Bonamassa's signature guitar style and vocals, Shirley brought together a group of musicians including Reese Wynans (organ, piano), Carmine Rojas (bass), Michael Rhodes (bass), Anton Fig (drums, percussion), Lenny Castro (percussion), Lee Thornburg (trumpet, trombone), Ron Dziubla (saxophone), the Bovaland Orchestra (strings), and Doug Henthorn and Melanie Williams (background vocals).
"It's definitely my favorite Joe Bonamassa record to date," said Shirley. "It's an album that deserves to be listened to in its entirety. Luckily Joe's fan base really seems to appreciate a body of work and not just songs."
Each year, Bonamassa strives to deliver something new for his fans to thank them for their loyalty, dedication, and enthusiastic activity on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook which has helped grow the guitarist's reputation exponentially in the U.S. and abroad.
Shirley said, "I think Joe has learned the value of not underestimating his audience. He plays music as well as he can, and always tries to bring music of depth to his audience. We try very hard to make the records as multidimensional as possible and really try not to cut any corners in delivering them."
Bonamassa has twelve #1 Billboard Blues Albums (more than any other artist) and received his first GRAMMY nomination in 2013 for his collaboration with Beth Hart on the duo's sophomore album Seesaw. His 2013 solo acoustic project An Acoustic Evening at the Vienna Opera House was nominated by the Blues Music Awards for Best DVD and his 2009 DVD Live From The Royal Albert Hall recently received RIAA Platinum Certification.
► FREE ALBUM DOWNLOAD - http://goo.gl/9oI018
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Official Live Video “Get Used To Different” by Mandisa feat. Ronnie Freeman with Violin by Bethany Bordeaux
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This year doesn’t look at all the way I thought it would
This year I’ve been looking hard to find a little good
I see the world on fire
Find it hard to breathe
It’s like a cloak of fear
About to smother me
Oh God, my God
Are you still here with me
Please say something
I need to hear you speak
Don’t You see that I’m doing something new
You can trust that I’m working for your good
I’m not doing what you’ve seen before
My favor is on you for so much more
Do you perceive it
Get used to different
The angel told me not to fear this thing that God has planned
But how can it be so cuz I have never known a man
I could be rejected
I could be disowned
Treated like an outcast
Likely even stoned
Oh Lord, my Lord
Are you still here with me
I am your servant
I’ll follow where you lead
Don’t You see that I’m doing something new
You can trust that I’m working for your good
I’m not doing what you’ve seen before
My favor is on you for so much more
Do you perceive it
Get used to different
Get used to different
My ways are higher
(Your ways are higher)
My ways are better
(So much better)
Though sometimes strange
What could be stranger than God in a manger?
Don’t You see that I’m doing something new
(I see it; I perceive it)
Yes I see that You’re doing something new
I can trust that You’re working for my good
You’re not doing what I’ve seen before
Your favor is on me for so much more
Do you perceive it
(I perceive it)
Do you perceive it
(I believe)
Get used to different
(I’ll get used to different)
Get used to different
#Mandisa #GetUsedToDifferent #Live #Official #TheChosenChristmasSpecial