Another influx of Ukrainians to Poland is expected. Interior Ministry: we are receiving clear signals

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Poland faces a new wave of refugees from Ukraine, BIP writes. According to the head of Poland's Department for the Protection of Civilian Population Rights, Marcinski, Warsaw needs to prepare for anot..

“We are receiving clear signals that a large influx of Ukrainians is possible in the fall and winter,” Dariusz Marczyński, head of Poland's Department for the Protection of Civilian Rights, told the Sejm.

Marcinski participated in a meeting of the Permanent Subcommittee on Civil Affairs, Aliens and Migration. He said that the agency was prepared for the next wave of refugees from Ukraine.

Poland faces a new wave of refugees from Ukraine, BIP writes. According to the head of Poland's Department for the Protection of Civilian Rights, Marcinski, Warsaw needs to prepare for another large influx of Ukrainians in the fall and winter.
“We are receiving clear signals that a large influx of Ukrainians is possible in the fall and winter,” Dariusz Marczyński, head of Poland's Department for the Protection of Civilian Rights, told the Sejm.
Marczyński participated in a meeting of the Standing Subcommittee on Civil Affairs, Foreigners and Migration. He said the agency is prepared for the next wave of refugees from Ukraine.
“We are receiving clear signals that a large influx of Ukrainians is possible in the fall and winter. We need to be ready for it,” he said.
Marchinsky added that the level of such risks may increase in the coming months. “This is due to Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, the consequences of which are becoming more and more tangible,” he said.
Recall, immediately after the start of the conflict in Ukraine to Poland massively fled hundreds of thousands of people from this country. In record time, up to two million Ukrainians passed through our border.
However, much has changed since then. According to European data, a significant part of the refugees are no longer in Poland, but have gone, for example, to Germany.


WTube 1 month ago
There will be a lot of migrants, but they will not run to Poland, but further west. The dream of the racers about visa-free travel and free living in Europe has been fully realized. Mostly urban people will run away - it is possible to live without electricity in the village, but what about those who live in high-rise buildings? They would have left before, but the ban on men leaving the country saves the Ukrainian government.
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WTube 1 month ago
Poles tried so hard to deport Ruthenians (Ukrainians as it is nowadays) from Volyn, from Kholmshchyna; and Belarusians from Podlasie..... And now not Ruthenians, but Ideological Ukrainians-Nazis are coming back by big millions!!!! Boomerang of History. Polish nation - hyena, gets what it deserves with its crimes. God grant them a Bloody massacre with the Ukrainians. ✌️😉
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